Marcus Ooi Yixuan. 2023/2024. Honours Thesis. “Tree community turnover in the Mandai storm forest.”
Yew Ke Yao. 2022/2023. Honours Thesis. “How do environmental conditions and habitat specialisation result in differential demographic rates among tree species within a tropical catchment containing freshwater swamp forest?”
Kee Jing Ying. 2021/2022. Honours Thesis. “Age-estimation of butterflies using reflectance spectrometry.” Co-supervisor: Dr Matthew Lim
Sim Hong Jhun. 2020/2021. Honours Thesis. “Expansion of a generalizable model of resource conversion mutualisms.” Co-supervisors: Dr Lam Weng Ngai, A/P Ryan Chisholm. Published as Sim et al. (2022).
Tay Hui Ting, Amanda. 2020/2021. Honours Thesis. “Examining the relationship between leaf and stem hydraulic traits and demographic rates in freshwater swamp forest tree species” Co-supervisor: Dr Lam Weng Ngai. Contributed data to Lam et al. (2024).
Emma Gee Yan Ting. 2020/2021. Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Science. “Seeds of doubt—investigating seed survival and seedling recruitment probabilities in tropical swamp forest tree species” Co-supervisor: Dr Lam Weng Ngai
Choo Ruisheng. 2019/2020. Honours Thesis. “Influence of tree size and hydrology on the fruit production of common tree species in Nee Soon Swamp Forest.” Co-supervisor: Dr Lam Weng Ngai. Contributed data to a manuscript in preparation.
Quek Xiao Tong. 2019/2020. Honours Thesis. “Population demographic traits in common urban butterflies.” Mentors: Rie Chong, Justin Nai
Tan Boxin. 2019/2020. Honours Thesis. “Effects of understorey weeding in secondary forests in Singapore.” Contributed data to a manuscript in preparation.
Nicholas Seng Ren Yang. 2019/2020. Honours Thesis. “Exploring tropical secondary forest park and nature reserve soils for root endophytic fungi through Zea mays trap cultures.” Main supervisor: Dr Amy Choong.
Sim Hong Jhun. 2019/2020. Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Science. “Examining ecological trade-offs and adaptations to the freshwater swamp forest habitat in woody tree species using leaf, wood and stomatal functional traits.” Co-supervisor: Dr Lam Weng Ngai. Contributed data to Lam et al. (2024).
Chan Pin Jia. 2018/2019. Honours Thesis. “Litter production in wet and dry areas of the Nee Soon catchment.” Co-supervisors: Dr Sorain Ramchunder, Dr Kelvin Peh. Published as Lam et al. (2022).
Justin Nai Kim Han. 2018/2019. Honours Thesis. “Cultivated plants in the urban landscape as food for butterfly caterpillars.” Mentor: Rie Chong
Lian Jun Jie. 2018/2019. Honours Thesis. “Litter decomposition rates in wet and dry areas of the Nee Soon catchment.” Co-supervisors: Dr Sorain Ramchunder, Dr Kelvin Peh. Published as Lam et al. (2021).
Ng Shao Hua. 2018/2019. Honours Thesis. “Evidence for the role of urban water bodies in maintaining odonate populations and diversity.” Co-supervisor: A/P Darren Yeo. Contributed data to a manuscript in revision.
Gwyneth Cheng Jia Yi. 2018. Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Science. “A Study of Plant-Mycorrhizal Interactions in Singapore.” Main supervisor: Dr Amy Choong.
Emmanuel Goh Shyue Chian. 2017/2018. Honours Thesis. “Effect of Landscape Variables and Water Availability on Amphibian Community Assemblage in an Urban Landscape.” Mentors: Chloe Tan, Sherry Hung, Rachel Lee. Contributed data to a manuscript in revision.
Lim Li Fang. 2017/2018. Honours Thesis. “Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Colonisation on the Growth of Cecropia pachystachya Seedlings.” Co-supervisor: Dr Amy Choong
Lee Sui Kei Rachel. 2016/2017. Honours Thesis. “Temporal changes in the urban butterfly assemblage through changes in the urban landscape in Singapore.” Mentors: Ng Wen Qing, Chloe Tan, Sherry Hung; Co-supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan. Contributed data to a manuscript in revision.
Rie Chong. 2016/2017. Honours Thesis. “Cultivated plants in the urban landscape as food for butterfly caterpillars.” Co-supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan.
Tan Koon Ngee Jonathan. 2016/2017. Honours Thesis. “Responses of the exotic tree, Cecropia pachystachya, along an experimental nutrient gradient.” Co-supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan.
Tan Wen Ai Lorraine. 2016/2017. Honours Thesis. “Effects of understorey weeding in the Labrador Nature Reserve.” Co-supervisors: Chung Yi Fei, Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan. Contributed data to a manuscript in preparation.
Wong Qi Yun Melissa. 2016/2017. Honours Thesis. “Assessing the invasive status of Clidemia hirta in the forests of Upper Seletar Reservoir, Singapore.” Mentor: Lai Hao Ran; Co-supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan. Published as Lai et al. (2025).
Sherry Hung Ming Xuan. 2015/2016. Honours Thesis. “Effects of Competition, Hydrology and Soil Types on Seedling Performance.” Mentor: Seah Wei Wei; Co-supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan. Contributed data to Chong et al. (2021).
Jonathan Tan Koon Ngee. 2015/2016. Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Sciences. “Recruitment, Growth, and Mortality of Native Macaranga Species and the Exotic Cecropia pachystachya.” Mentor: Jolyn Loh Weiting; Co-supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan.
Chua Xin Yi. 2014/2015. Honours Thesis. “Is there a Correlation between Socio-economic Status and Greenery in Singapore?” Co-mentor: Alex Yee; Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan.
Lam Weng Ngai. 2014/2015. Honours Thesis. “The Ecology of Nepenthesin Production in Nepenthes gracilis Korth. (Nepenthaceae).” Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan, Assoc. Prof. Ganesh Anand. Partly published as Lam et al. (2017).
Ng Qi Qi. 2014/2015. Honours Thesis. “Effects of Drought on Vascular Epiphytes in Singapore.” Co-mentor: Reuben Lim; Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan.
Rie Chong. 2014/2015. Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Science. “Pre- and Post-dispersal Seed Predation of Shorea spp. in the Fragmented Primary Forests of Singapore.” Co-mentors: Alex Yee, Marcus Chua; Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan. Contributed data to Chong et al. (2016).
Tan Wen Ai Lorraine. 2014/2015 Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Science. “Pre- and Post-dispersal Seed Predation of Dipterocarpus spp. in the Fragmented Primary Forests of Singapore.” Co-mentors: Alex Yee Thiam Koon, Marcus Chua Aik Hian; Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan. Contributed data to Chong et al. (2016).
Sherry Hung Ming Xuan. 2014/2015. Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Science. “The Vascular Plant Flora and Vegetation of the Islands Associated with Singapore’s First Marine Park.” Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan. Published as a series of papers on the vascular plant flora and vegetation of islands associated with Singapore’s first Marine Park, I: The Sisters’ Islands, II: Pulau Tekukor, III: St. John’s Island.
Letchumi Mani. 2012/2013. Honours Thesis. “Can Guided Nature Walks in Different Green Space Types Change Conservation Concern and Motivation in High School Students?” Co-mentor: Giam Xingli; Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan.
Loh Weiting Jolyn. 2012/2013. Honours Thesis. “Plant Communities and the Soil Seed Bank in Areas Infested by the Invasive Cecropia pachystachya.” Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan.
Tan Mei Quan. 2012/2013. Honours Thesis. “Potential of Rooftop Gardens to Support Butterfly Communities in Singapore.” Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan.
Kee Yingxin Carmen. 2011/2012. Honours Thesis. “Factors Affecting Plant Species Richness and Composition in Singapore’s Waste-woodlands.” Co-mentor: Alex Yee; Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan. Contributed data to Lai et al. (2021) and Neo et al. (2017), as well as papers on the vascular plant flora of Admirality Forest and Bukit Batok.
Louise Neo. 2011/2012. Honours Thesis. “Plant Diversity of Abandoned Rubber Plantations in Singapore: A Novel Ecosystem.” Co-mentor: Alex Yee; Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan. Contributed data to Lai et al. (2021) and Neo et al. (2017), as well as papers on the vascular plant flora of Admirality Forest, Bukit Batok, Dover Forest, Upper Thomson Forest, and a series of papers on the vascular plant flora of abandoned plantations in Singapore, I: Clementi Forest, II: Punggol End Forest, III: Lentor Forest, and IV: Windsor Forest.
Ng Wen Qing. 2011/2012. Honours Thesis. “The Interaction Between the Birds and Figs of Singapore.” Supervisor: Prof. Richard Corlett. Published as Chong et al. (2021).
Mark Brian Raphael. 2011/2012. Honours Thesis. “Comparative Ecological Performance Between Myrmecophytic Pioneer Tree Species in Singapore: The Native Macranga gigantea Versus the Exotic Cecropia pachystachya.” Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan, Assoc. Prof. Yap Von Bing. Published as Chong et al. (2017) and Raphael et al. (2015).
Zeng Yiwen. 2011/2012. Honours Thesis. “A Global Trait-based Assessment of Invasiveness and Vulnerability of Freshwater Crayfish.” Supervisor: Dr Darren Yeo. Published as Zeng et al. (2015).
Chen Junhao. 2011. Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Science. “Enhancing Herbarium Specimen Data Through a Gazetteer of Collection Localities in Singapore.” Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan. Published as Yeo et al. (2014). Published as an e-book.
Yeo Hwan Theng Hazelina. 2010/2011. Honours Thesis. “Establishment and Spread of Exotic Palms in Singapore’s Forest Patches.” Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan, Prof. Richard Corlett. Published as Yeo et al. (2014).