A. Peer-reviewed articles in ISI-listed journals
*I am the corresponding author
- Lai, H.R., K.Y. Chong, M.Q.Y. Wong, H.T.W. Tan,
D.C.J. Yeo. (2025) Leaf-litter depth, not canopy openness, mediates the
occurrence of an invasive shrub from the forest edge to interior.
Biotropica 57: e70002.
- Ho, B.-C., E.J.J. Chia, K.Y. Chong, J.S.Y. Tan,
W.X. Tan, S. Lai, T.Y.S. Choo, P.Y. Tan, K.B.H. Er. (2024) Changes in
tropical leafing behaviour with climate change over nine decades: A case
study from the Singapore Botanic Gardens. Plants People Planet 6: 1469–1479.
- *Lam, W.N., J. Huang, A.H.T. Tay, H.J. Sim, P.J. Chan, K.E. Lim, M.
Lei, A.N.A. Aritsara, R. Chong, Y.Y. Ting, N.E. Rahman, T.M. Sloey, M.
van Breugel, K.-F. Cao, A.K.S. Wee, K.Y. Chong. (2024)
Leaf and twig traits predict habitat adaptation and demographic
strategies in tropical freshwater swamp forest tree species. New
Phytologist 243: 881–893.
- Neo, L., K.Y. Chong, S. Lindsay, D.J. Middleton,
P.Y. Tan, K.B.H. Er. (2024) A botanical oasis rather than a biological
desert: Rediscoveries, new species and new records in a tropical city.
Plants, People, Planet 6: 697–709.
- Chisholm, R., N.P. Kristensen, F.E. Rheindt, K.Y.
Chong, J.S. Ascher, K.K.P. Lim, P.K.L. Ng, D.C.J. Yeo, R.
Meier, H.H. Tan, X. Giam, Y.S. Yeoh, W.W. Seah, L.M. Berman, H.Z. Tan,
K.R. Sadanandan, M. Theng, W.F.A. Jusoh, A. Jain, B. Huertas, D.J.X.
Tan, A.C.R. Ng, A. Teo, Y. Zeng, T.J.Y. Cho, Y.C.K. Sin. (2024) Two
centuries of biodiversity discovery and loss in Singapore. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences 120: e2309034120.
- Yuti Ariani Fatimah, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, S.W. Smith, Nur Estya
Binte Rahman, D.A. Wardle, K.Y. Chong, Asmadi Saad,
J.S.H. Lee. (2023) Multi-level actor-network: Case of Peatland programs
in a Riau Village, Indonesia (1974–2020). Geoforum 145: 103829.
- Rahman, N.E.B., S.W. Smith, W.N. Lam, K.Y. Chong,
M.S.E. Chua, P.Y. Teo, D.W.J. Lee, S.Y. Phua, C.Y. Aw, J.S.H. Lee, D.A.
Wardle. (2023) Leaf decomposition and flammability are largely decoupled
across species in a tropical swamp forest despite sharing some
predictive leaf functional traits. New Phytologist 238: 598–611.
- Chiu, J.H., K.Y. Chong, S.K.Y. Lum, D.A. Wardle.
(2023) Trends in the direction of global plant invasion biology research
over the past two decades. Ecology & Evolution 13: e9690.
- Lim, V.C., K.-W. Sing, K.Y. Chong, N. Jaturas, H.
Dong, P.-S. Lee, T.T. Nguyen, T.L. Dzung, T. Bonebrake, T.P.N. Tsang, L.
Chu, G.-J. Brandon-Mong, W.-L. Kong, M. Soga, J.-J. Wilson. (2022)
Familiarity with, perceptions of, and attitudes towards, butterflies in
urban parks in megacities across East and Southeast Asia. Royal Society
Open Science 9: 220161.
- Smith, S.W., N.E.B. Rahman, M.E. Harrison, S. Shiodera, W. Giesen,
M. Lampela, D.A. Wardle, K.Y. Chong, R. Agusti, L.S.
Wijedasa, P.Y. Teo, Y.A. Fatimah, N.T. Teng, Y.K.Q. Joanne, M.J. Alam,
P.B. Sintes, T. Darusman, Y. Ermiasi, L.L.B. Graham, D.R. Katoppo, K.
Kojima, K. Kusin, D.P. Lestari, F. Metali, H.C. Morrogh-Bernard, M.B.
Nahor, R.R.P. Napitupulu, D. Nasir, T.K. Nath, R. Nilus, M. Norisada, D.
Rachmanadi, H.H. Rachmat, B.R. Capilla, Salahuddin, P.B. Santosa, R.S.
Sukri, B. Tay, W. Tuah, T. Yamanoshita, Y. Yokoyama, T.W. Yuwati, J.S.H.
Lee. (2022) Tree species that ‘live slow, die old’ enhance tropical peat
swamp restoration: Evidence from a systematic review. Journal of Applied
Ecology 59: 1950–1966.
- *Lam, W.N., P.J. Chan, Y.Y. Ting, H.J. Sim, J.J. Lian, R. Chong, Nur
Estya Rahman, L.W.A. Tan, Q.Y. Ho, Z. Chiam, Srishti Arora, Sorain J.
Ramchunder, K.S.-H. Peh, Y. Cai, K.Y. Chong. (2022)
Habitat specialization mediates the influence of leaf traits on canopy
productivity. Ecosystems 25: 1006–1019.
- Sim, H.J., W.N. Lam, R.A. Chisholm, K.Y. Chong.
(2022) Downstream resource leakage a necessary condition for the
Stress-Gradient Hypothesis in processing chain commensalisms. Journal of
Theoretical Biology 538: 111043
- Lai, H.R., K.Y. Chong, A.T.K. Yee, M.M. Mayfield,
D.B. Stouffer (2022) Non-additive biotic interactions improve
predictions of tropical tree growth and impact community size structure.
Ecology 103: e03588.
- Song, X.P., K.Y. Chong. (2021) home2park : An R
package to assess the spatial provision of urban parks. Journal of Open
Source Software 6(65): 3609.
- *Chong, K.Y., S.M.X. Hung, C.Y. Koh, R.C.J. Lim,
J.W. Loh, L Neo, W.W. Seah, S.Y. Tan, H.T.W. Tan. (2021) Waterlogging
and soil but not seedling competition structure tree communities in a
catchment containing a tropical freshwater swamp forest. Journal of
Vegetation Science 32: e13072.
- *Chong, K.Y., R.T. Corlett, M. Nuñez, K. Andersen,
F. Courchamp, S.C. Chua, W. Dawson, S. Fei, S. Kuebbing, B.P.H. Lee, A
Liebhold, S.K.Y. Lum, M. Luskin, K.M. Ngo, M. Padmanaba, L. Souza, D.
Wardle. (2021) Are biological invasions different in the tropics? Annual
Reviews in Ecology, Evolution & Systematics 52: 291–314.
- *Lam, W.N., J.J. Lian, P.J. Chan, Y.Y. Ting, R. Chong, Nur Estya
Rahman, L.W.A. Tan, Q.Y. Ho, Sorain J. Ramchunder, K.S.-H. Peh, Y. Cai,
K.Y. Chong. (2021) Leaf litter decomposition in
tropical freshwater swamp forests is slower in swamp than non-swamp
conditions. Biotropica 53: 920–929.
[see also GitHub repo]
- Teo, H.C., Y. Zeng, T.V. Sarira, T.K. Fung, Q. Zheng, X.P. Song,
K.Y. Chong, L.P. Koh. (2021) Global urban reforestation
can be an important natural climate solution. Environmental Research
Letters 16: 034059.
- *Lai, H.R., G.S.Y. Tan, L. Neo, C.Y. Kee, A.T.K. Yee, H.T.W. Tan,
K.Y. Chong (2021) Decoupled responses of native and
exotic tree diversities to distance from old-growth forest and soil
phosphorous in post-cultivation secondary forests. Applied Vegetation
Science 24: e12548.
[see also novelforestSG
R package]
- *Chong, K.Y., Ng, W.Q., A.T.K. Yee, D.L. Yong.
(2021) The community structure of bird assemblages on urban strangler
figs. Biotropica 53: 255–265.
[see also GitHub
- Kristensen, N., W.W. Seah, K.Y. Chong, Y.S. Yeoh,
T. Fung, L. Berman, H.Z. Tan, R. Chisholm. (2020) Extinction rate of
discovered and undiscovered plants in Singapore. Conservation Biology
34: 1229–1240.
- Zeng, Y., T.V. Sarira, L.R. Carrasco, K.Y. Chong,
D.A. Friess, J.S.H. Lee, P. Taillardat, T.A. Worthington, Y. Zhang, L.P.
Koh. (2020) Economic and social constraints on reforestation for climate
mitigation in Southeast Asia. Nature Climate Change 10: 842–844.
- Lai, H.R., K.Y. Chong, A.T.K. Yee, H.T.W. Tan, M.
van Breugel. (2020) Functional traits that moderate tropical plant
recruitment during post-windstorm secondary succession. Journal of
Ecology 108: 1322–1333.
- *Chong, K.Y., S. Teo, B. Kurukulasuriya, Y.F.
Chung, X. Giam, H.T.W. Tan. (2019) The effects of landscape scale on
greenery and traffic relationships with urban birds and butterflies.
Urban Ecosystems 22: 917–926.
- *Yee, A.T.K., H.R. Lai, K.Y. Chong, L. Neo, C.Y.
Koh, S.Y. Tan, W.W. Seah, J.W. Loh, R.C.J. Lim, M. van Breugel, H.T.W.
Tan. (2019) Short-term responses in a secondary tropical forest after a
severe windstorm event. Journal of Vegetation Science 30: 720–731.
- Coleman, J.L., J.S. Ascher, D. Bickford, D. Buchori, A. Cabanban,
R.A. Chisholm, K.Y. Chong, P. Christie, G.R. Clements,
T.E.E. dela Cruz, W. Dressler, D.P. Edwards, C.M. Francis, D.A. Friess,
X. Giam, L. Gibson, D. Huang, A.C. Hughes, Z. Jaafar, A. Jain, L.P. Koh,
E.P. Kudavidanage, B.P.Y.-H. Lee, J. Lee, T.M. Lee, M. Leggett, B.
Leimona, M. Linkie, M. Luskin, A. Lynam, E. Meijaard, V. Nijman, A.
Olsson, S. Page, P. Parolin, K.S.-H. Peh, M.R. Posa, G.W. Prescott, S.A.
Rahman, S.J. Ramchunder, M. Rao, J. Reed, D.R. Richards, E.M. Slade, R.
Steinmetz, P.Y. Tan, D. Taylor, P.A. Todd, S.T. Vo, E.L. Webb, A.D.
Ziegler, L.R. Carrasco. (2019) Top 100 research questions for
biodiversity conservation in Southeast Asia. Biological Conservation
234: 211–220.
- Lam, W.N., K.Y. Chong, G.S. Anand, H.T.W. Tan.
(2019) In situ proteolytic activity in Nepenthes gracilis
pitcher plant traps is affected by both pitcher-extrinsic and
pitcher-intrinsic factors. International Journal of Plant Sciences 180:
- Lam, W.N., W.Y. Wang, L.F. Cheong, J.K.H. Koh, M. Foo, K.Y.
Chong, H.T.W. Tan. (2018) Pitcher plant facilitates prey
capture in a sympatric congener. Plant Ecology 219: 299–311.
- Neo, L., K.Y. Chong, C.Y. Koh, S.Y. Tan, J.W. Loh,
R.C.J. Lim, W.W. Seah, H.T.W. Tan. (2017) Borehole closure and the
effects of increment coring on the health of some tropical trees, one
year after coring. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 29: 519–529.
- Harrison, R.D., K.Y. Chong, C.K. Yeo, N.M. Pham,
A.T.K. Yee, H.T.W. Tan, J.-Y. Rasplus. (2017) Pollination of Ficus
elastica: Indian rubber re-establishes sexual reproduction in
Singapore. Scientific Reports 7: 11616.
- *Neo, L., A.T.K. Yee, K.Y. Chong, C.Y. Kee, H.T.W.
Tan. (2017) Vascular plant species richness and composition in two types
of post-cultivation tropical secondary forest. Applied Vegetation
Science 20: 692–701.
[see also novelforestSG
R package]
- *Chong, K.Y., M.B. Raphael, L.R. Carrasco, A.T.K.
Yee, X. Giam, V.B. Yap, H.T.W. Tan. (2017) Reconstructing the invasion
history of a spreading, non-native, tropical tree through a snapshot of
current distribution, sizes, and growth rates. Plant Ecology 218: 673–685.
- Lam, W.N., K.Y. Chong, G.S. Anand, H.T.W. Tan.
(2017) Dipteran larvae and microbes facilitate nutrient sequestration in
the Nepenthes gracilis pitcher plant host. Biology Letters 13:
- *Chong, K.Y., R. Chong, L.W.A. Tan, A.T.K. Yee,
M.A.H. Chua, K.M. Wong, H.T.W. Tan. (2016) Fruit fall, pre- and
post-dispersal predation, and seedling survival of two Shorea
and two Diperocarpus spp. in severely fragmented forests in
Singapore. Plant Ecology & Diversity 9: 483–490.
- Yee, A.T.K., K.Y. Chong, L. Neo, H.T.W. Tan. (2016)
Updating the classification system for the secondary forests of
Singapore. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 32: 11–21.
- Giam, X., R. Hidiaty, H.H. Tan, L. Parenti, D. Worwor, S. Sauri,
K.Y. Chong, D. Yeo, D. Wilcove. (2015) Mitigating the
impact of oil-palm monoculture on freshwater fishes in Southeast Asia.
Conservation Biology 29: 1357–1367.
- Zeng, Y., K.Y. Chong, E.K. Grey, D.M. Lodge, D.C.J.
Yeo. (2015) Disregarding human pre-introduction selection can confound
invasive crayfish risk assessments. Biological Invasions 17: 2373–2385.
- *Raphael, M.B., K.Y. Chong, V.B. Yap, H.T.W. Tan.
(2015) Comparing germination rates and seedling traits between native
and exotic pioneers: Cecropia pachystachya versus Macaranga
gigantea. Plant Ecology 216: 1019–1027.
- *Chong, K.Y., S. Teo, B. Kurukulasuriya, Y.F.
Chung, S. Rajathurai, H.T.W. Tan. (2014) Not all green is as good:
different effects of the spontaneous and cultivated components of urban
vegetation on bird and butterfly diversity. Biological Conservation 171:
- *Yeo, H.H.T., K.Y. Chong, A.T.K. Yee, X. Giam, R.T.
Corlett, H.T.W. Tan. (2014) Leaf litter depth as an important factor
inhibiting seedling establishment of an exotic palm in tropical
secondary forest patches. Biological Invasions 16: 381–392.
[see also GitHub
- *Chong, K.Y., S.M.L. Lee, A.T. Gwee, P.K.F. Leong,
S. Ahmad, W.F. Ang, A.F.S.L. Lok, C.K. Yeo, R.T. Corlett, H.T.W. Tan.
(2012) Herbarium records do not predict rediscovery of presumed
nationally extinct species. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 2589–2599.
- *Chong, K.Y., S. Teo, B. Kurukulasuriya, Y.F.
Chung, S. Rajathurai, H.C. Lim, H.T.W. Tan. (2012) Decadal changes in
urban bird abundance in Singapore. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology
Supplement 25: 181¬–188.
- Giam X., G.R. Clements, S.A. Aziz, K.Y. Chong, J.
Miettinen. (2011) Rethinking the back to wilderness concept for
Sundaland’s forests. Biological Conservation 144: 3149–3152.
- *Chong, K.Y., R.T. Corlett, D.C.J. Yeo, H.T.W. Tan.
(2011) Towards a global database of weed risk assessments: a test of
transferability for the tropics. Biological Invasions 13: 1571-1577.
- Todd, P.A., W. Qiu, K.Y. Chong. (2009) Ontogenetic
shifts in carapace patterning and/or colouration in interdital and
subtidal brachyuran crabs. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 57(2):